Hyaluronic acid: application and properties

Dear girls!
The rejuvenating properties of hyaluronic acid have been highly discussed for some time now. It is widely used in cosmetics, and injecting it under the skin of the face or mouth is the most popular beauty treatment nowadays. But what are its properties?
Hyaluronic acid is a substance that is naturally produced by your body. It can be found in body fluids, connective tissue, joint fluid, or the vitreous body of the eye, and it helps to build blood vessels. Its main task is to bind water. With age, its amount decreases, so we should replenish its deficiencies.
Features and application of hyaluronic acid
Along with collagen, hyaluronic acid is the main component of the skin. What is it responsible for? Most of all:
- for the right level of skin hydration,
- for the elasticity of cartilages,
- for the correct structure of the vitreous body of the eye,
- for the regeneration of wounds, burns and skin problems.
Hyaluronic acid is commonly used in cosmetology and medicine. That’s because of the fact that it is consistent with the structure of our body, so the risk of irritation or allergic reactions is very low. We just tolerate it well 🙂 It is used in aesthetic medicine, dermatology, gynecology, and ophthalmology.
It is a popular ingredient of many anti-aging creams, it is also available as a non-surgical procedure at aesthetic medicine centres, where the acid is injected deep under the skin. Products with hyaluronic acid fill in wrinkles and folds. This procedure has a lot of supporters and I also belong to this group. It is important to choose a decent clinic and a person who is specialized in it.
This substance causes allergies very rarely, but possible side effects include tenderness, bruising, redness or a slight swelling that quickly disappears. Also, this procedure isn’t complicated.
What did my hyaluronic acid procedure look like?
Let’s get to the point… first, a professional applied an anesthetic cream to numb the skin before the procedure. Then she injected the hyaluronic acid under the skin. It can be administered in many ways, e.g. along the wrinkle line, as was advised in my case.
This is a procedure that definitely restored my skin’s firmness and elasticity. The effects are visible after 2 weeks. The procedure itself lasts for about 1 hour, and the effects last up to 12 months. That time depends mostly on genetics, lifestyle or diet.
Using hyaluronic acid you can change the shape of your nose, plump the lips and bust, fill wrinkles (this is what I decided to do), improve the jawline, or reshape the cheeks. Wrinkle fillers are most popular because it is a painless procedure and the effects are very natural. It can be repeated without any worries.
If you have any questions, please let me know in the comments section. Take care!